Sometimes the image of a pale, sickly, too-thin person is what comes to mind when people think of a vegan. It is true that we could eat nothing but Oreos and orange soda and technically be vegan. But it's not a good idea, if we care about our health.
It is also true that being vegan is fundamentally about ceasing to abuse animals. But it is fair to think of ourselves as also animals, human animals. In that light, it is compassionate to also care about our own wellbeing.
For human health, a whole food plant-based no oil (WFPBNO) diet is the best choice. For the environment it is also the least harmful option. And of course any kind of vegan diet is a relief for the animals.
Merging the two, vegan and WFPBNO diet/lifestyle, we live as compassionately and healthily as we can for the animals, for the planet and for ourselves. Learn how here.
Image Credit:
Deb VeVe