How wonderful that we can stop contributing to massive suffering and cruelty by simply becoming more mindful of what we eat and changing a few choices.
One good decision is rewarded, leading to other good outcomes. Eating a balanced whole food plant-based diet gives an exponential boost in health to a person whose compassion is awoken when the decision is made that eating animals is no longer acceptable.
Going vegan re-awakens an innate sense of caring that must be continuously stifled when people knowingly harm animals by killing and eating them, or by paying others to do the unsavory work of raising and slaughtering them.
But once we take a stand, stop contributing to that callous system, and focus on being kind to animals and ourselves, we are free to enjoy the goodness of a clear conscience, to know we are contributing to a much higher sense of justice in the world.
How gracious it is to extend freedom to the most oppressed beings on the planet, farmed animals, when we decide to stop exploiting them.
Goodness! Gracious! It is great to be vegan!
You are invited to learn how to become vegan here.
Image Credit:
Deb VeVe