Animals are someONES. Not someTHINGS.
Animals, including the ones we eat and exploit for their milk, eggs, fur, feathers and other purposes, feel pain and pleasure, experience terror and joy, and have the right to be left unmolested. They all have feelings, thoughts, and desires. The main desire we humans share with animals is for freedom.
Animals have distinct personalities; they make distinct choices and should be free to do so. To see them only as objects to be used for exploitation causes great suffering in the animals themselves, and it also withers a part of our own hearts to be so narcissistic that we see animals only as nuggets or wings, chops or omelets, coats or boots, test objects or entertainment props.
Just as we want to be respected as autonomous individuals with rights, it is only fair that we extend these rights to other beings who can similarly think, feel, make choices, have preferences and who desire freedom.
Animals deserve respect. Just like you. Learn to go vegan here.
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