Protein! Protein! Protein! We have been manipulated by marketing and brainwashed into thinking we can only get it from eating animals. The scientific fact is that plants contain protein. And they contain plenty of it. And they contain the right form of protein for our herbivorous physiology.
Yes, we need protein - it is a vital nutrient. But beans, grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables and even fruits contain protein. If we eat a nutritionally adequate level of calories on a simple balanced whole food plant-based diet, we will get all the protein we need.
The animals killed for food like cattle, chickens, or pigs got their protein . . . from eating plants. We can too, and we should since eating animals causes disease in humans. We can cut out the "middleman" of animals and go directly to the best protein source for our bodies, which is plants.
Eating animal protein is taxing on human kidneys and livers and is highly inflammatory. Plant-derived proteins do not come with such drawbacks.
We go a long, wrong way, causing immense suffering that need not exist when we eat animals. We wrongly contribute to environmental devastation and pollution when we raise animals for food.
Raising animals as food requires far more natural resources like precious water and land area than growing plants. At the rate we are going now, if we continue to try to feed the growing world population with animals, we will run out of water and land, leading to starvation.
Torturing and killing all the animals we wrongly eat is deeply ethically wrong. There is no excuse for brutally treating animals like commodities when they are sensitive, feeling, thinking individuals. We cause the most unnecessary suffering in the world to the most vulnerable when we continue to eat animals. We degrade ourselves by remaining insistent that they are here for us to abuse however we please. Eating animals is wrong on every level.
All these intense side effects which arise from getting protein the wrong way can be eliminated if we just go straight to the proper source of protein. By-pass animal foods. Head directly towards plants. Learn how here.
Image Credit:
Gabe Raggio