Pigs are not bacon. They are not pork. They are not pigskin leather, and they are not chops nor sausage.
Animals have feelings and deserve to live their lives unmolested by humans, or to not be bred into existence at all when the purpose of such breeding is to exploit them.
Pigs are highly intelligent, sensitive animals. They are sentient - feeling and thinking creatures. They have distinct personalities. Some can be playful; some reserved. Some are bold; some are quiet.
All of them want what anyone wants - freedom. They want to make their own friends, move about freely, choose their own mates and nurture their families in peace.
We all value our lives.
We do not need to eat pigs or any other animals to survive, so eating them is only a matter of taste preference or cultural conditioning. It is unethical to kill and eat animals for such selfish frivolity as the way bacon tastes. Abundant options exist to eat tasty foods made from plants that do not involve slaughtering innocent, sentient, sensitive animals like pigs.
We owe these gentle creatures the consideration that any sentient being deserves which is to be respected and protected, never harmed or exploited.
We would not want to be harmed or exploited ourselves.
Neither do pigs. Just like you. Learn to go vegan here.
Image Credits:
Slavomír Kozúsek
Tom Wieden